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Swarovski vs Zirconia vs Diamonds - 4 Ways to Differentiate and Evaluate Them

April 12, 2024 Vault@268

Diamonds, zirconia and Swarovski crystals. You’re probably come across them, purchased them at some point or just wondered about them. What are the differences and how would you differentiate them so you can better evaluate your jewellery? This article looks at 4 ways you can do so on your own.

1) Material

Diamonds begin with raw carbon that is compressed, undergoing intense pressure to become formed, and are found deep beneath the earth’s crust. They are natural organic gems. Cubic zirconia (CZ) and Swarovski zirconia are glass crystals synthetically created at extremely high temperatures to mimic its superior counterpart, having the same shine as diamonds. It makes differentiation difficult unless the gems are viewed under 10x magnification for flaws.

2) Durability and Hardiness

Diamonds have a hardness of 10 on the Mohs scale. While Cubic and Swarovski zirconia are durable and scratch-resistant, they may not be as durable as natural gemstones like diamonds or sapphires. CZ is still hardy at 8.5 out of 10 and Swarovski is at 6 or 7, making them prone to chipping or scratches. Swarovski is still overall more durable than glass.

3) Availability and Affordability

Precious gemstones like diamonds or rubies are buried deep in the earth and take a lot of effort to mine. Their lack of availability, possibly eventual decline in the future, coupled with high demand, proportionally increase its worth. Both types of Zirconia crystals offer the look and feel of luxury jewellery at a more affordable price point. This makes them accessible to a wider range of consumers who desire elegant accessories without the high price tag.

4) Brilliance and Quality

CZ supposedly pale in comparison to Swarovski crystals, which can be almost on par to diamonds due to their brilliance. CZ lacks in the technology of precision-cutting that makes Swarovski more well defined. Swarovski and diamonds are cut to maximise light refraction, creating a pleasing display of colours and reflections.

Over time, both CZ and Swarovski may become dull or lose their lustre within a few years when well worn, exposed to chemicals or not maintained. Whereas diamonds are forever.

Knowing your high jewellery a little better now, you can then know better to protect and provide them with the appropriate level of security for long-term. Give your sparkling brilliant shinies the protection they deserve and keep them in a private vault as a legacy. Contact our Vault@268 sales representatives at 67377 268 for a personal tour today.


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