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Safe Deposit Box - Cats Allowed Per Household May Increase to 2: AVS

Cats Allowed Per Household May Increase to 2: AVS

December 05, 2023 Vault@268

😻 Singapore’s Animal and Veterinary Service (AVS) may revise its policy and allow up to 2 cats in your HDB soon, though with the revision, it also means first-time pet owners may be expected to take an online course in pet care. Experience shows there are a whole bunch of things in the house one might not know is toxic to animals - essential oils, chocolate, garlic, and vegetables (no, cats and dogs don’t like it much because they’re obligatory carnivores). Pesticides, household cleaners and ant/cockroach poison that we leave out can pose a danger to them as well. The environment we live in needs to be pet-proofed for our furry friends to be safe, since we cannot explain to them why certain things should not be touched/consumed.

🐾 When it comes to curiosity, few creatures can match the inquisitive nature of cats! Whether it's a dangling string, a fluttering butterfly, or just an open drawer, they're always ready to explore the unknown. They often like to check that gravity is working by pushing things off the edges of flat surfaces. But, have you ever wondered what they'd find most fascinating? We think it might just be our Vault@268 safe deposit boxes!

🔐 Just like our feline friends, our clients understand the importance of curiosity and vigilance when it comes to safeguarding their valuable possessions. They know that protecting their assets requires not only alertness but also a secure sanctuary. While Singapore pets are vaccinated against diseases such as Rabies, we ensure our private vault is safe from rabid attacks too. That's where Vault@268 comes in, offering military-grade security to ensure your treasures stay safe from prying eyes. Its physical security is complemented by state-of-the-art cybersecurity.

🏦 Our private vaults provide the perfect blend of curiosity and caution – much like a cat on the prowl. With 24/7 access, biometric authentication, and personalized key cards, you're in complete control of your valuable assets. So, whether you're storing precious heirlooms or important documents, you can rest assured knowing they're safe and sound, just like a cat curled up for a nap in a cozy spot.

😺 Pet ownership is a long-term commitment. And as pet owners ourselves, we understand the degree of responsibility expected to upkeep and maintain our fur kids for life. The expenditure is worth the effort given the health and mental benefits they provide in the long-run too. That’s why we know the importance of protecting what’s precious till the end. Where disease and illness are preventable for our pets, we do our utmost best to ensure the vaults remain in a clean bill of health and in tip top shape too.

💼 At Vault@268, we celebrate the curiosity that drives us to protect what matters most. So, the next time you and your kitty embarks on an adventure, remember that your valuable possessions are also in good paws with us! Contact a sales rep today to register for your own safe deposit box - 67377 268, vault@268.com.sg.

#CuriosityandSecurity #Vault268 #SafeDepositBoxes #petlicensing #petownership (article contributed by ChatGPT 3.5)

Read the original CNA article here - https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/avs-hdb-flats-own-two-cats-ownership-proposed-management-framework-3961361